Bruno persoonlijk
Bruno als schepen
Bruno Brusselt
krantenartikelen, cabaretteksten, ...
foto's en filmpjes

>> Cabaretteksten (uit de periode dat ik zelf op de planken stond)
>> Krantenartikelen (kom ik in de krant, dan zie je dat hier)
>> Allerlei (persberichten, speech, ...)

>> Drinks and sweet machines out of schools

The City of Brussels has decided that vending machines offering sweets and soft drinks will be removed from primary schools and kindergartens. The measure will take effect on January 1st 2005.

Bruno De Lille, a green member of the city cabinet, explained that the city wants to do something positive for the poor health of children in the City of Brussels.

Recent studies have shown that up to 16 PC of school kids are overweight.
Free water fountains will be installed instead. Pure water is healthier than soft drinks and the fountains do not produce any waste.

A campaign is also to be launched to promote healthier eating habits among the young.
The intention is to ban all such vending machines from secondary schools in the City of Brussels in the long term.

Vending machines will remain in schools that provide adult education. Brussels believes that adults are old enough to distinguish between what is healthy and what is not.
