Bruno persoonlijk
Bruno als schepen
Bruno Brusselt
krantenartikelen, cabaretteksten, ...
foto's en filmpjes

>> Cabaretteksten (uit de periode dat ik zelf op de planken stond)
>> Krantenartikelen (kom ik in de krant, dan zie je dat hier)
>> Allerlei (persberichten, speech, ...)

>> 1000s March in Brussels

Rex Wockner

Thousands of gays and lesbians marched through central Brussels, Belgium, May 23 as the European gay-pride season got underway. This year's parade was the biggest yet and it traveled down major streets instead of smaller streets, thanks to the work of city councillor Bruno De Lille whose campaign promises included beefing up the city's gay-pride festivities.

Bron: Windy City Times, The Voice of Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Community